Vrbo Notice and Action Policy

The information below sets out Vrbo's procedures for removing illegal content (as defined under applicable EU, national, and local laws) from its website.

Notice procedures

Vrbo's Content Guidelines can be found here. Should content be found which you consider is in breach of these guidelines and/or applicable law, it can be reported to Vrbo by contacting the Vrbo Legal Department by email legal@vrbo.com or by post - 25 St. Stephen's Green, 3rd floor, Dublín 2, D02 XF99, Ireland. In your correspondence, please include the following information:
  • you name and contact details (optional);
  • the URL of property or properties you suspect;
  • a detailed explanation of why you consider the content to be illegal;
  • provide any documentation or files that support you claim.
Providing this information will enable Vrbo to review the relevant content and take appropriate action quickly and efficiently.
Examples of illegal content include defamatory content, copyright infringement, fraud, illegal web advertising and illegal property listings (as defined under applicable local and national legislation). Information for hosts regarding these legal requirements can be found on the regulatory pages of the national Vrbo website: Owner Responsibilities page.
Vrbo is committed to assisting regional, national and EU authorities, defined in the European Commission Communication on tackling illegal online content as “trusted flaggers”.
All Notices should be directed to Vrbo's Legal Department, who will review the relevant content and decide whether further action (e.g. removal of the content) is necessary.

Removing content and Counter Notices

Following the submission of a Notice, Vrbo will review the relevant content and consider whether it breaches Vrbo's Content Guidelines and/or applicable law. The time needed to review the flagged content will vary on a case-by-case basis, but Vrbo is committed to dealing with each notice quickly and efficiently.
If Vrbo consider that content, in particular listings, do not comply with our guidelines or any applicable law, the content will be removed from our website. Owners who are repeat infringers with respect to compliance with our content guidelines and/or applicable law will have their accounts suspended.
Further details of Vrbo's terms and conditions can be found here.
If the party who uploaded removed content, disagrees with its removal, that person may submit a Counter Notice to us. If, following review of the Counter Notice, Vrbo accepts that the relevant content does in fact comply with our guidelines and does not breach applicable law, the relevant content will be restored to our websites.
In case a regulator or any other law enforcement authority is carrying out an investigation in relation to content which has been removed, Vrbo will not conclude any assessment of a Counter Notice until that investigation has concluded.
If you suspect content on our website could be illegal, please send us an email explaining, as precisely as possible, why you consider the content to be illegal. Please also indicate the specific URL in order to identify the content.